Release version:    SERV V3.15

Release date:         2021.04.29

Release status:      Successfully deployed

Bug Fixes:

  • SERV-606 - Questionnaire global access

Updated the 'Notice of Non Compliance' to be more generic as well as improved back-end functionality to ensure stability for future cases where the Questionnaire template is used.

  • SERV-618 - Scheduler integrity fix: Auto remove hold on assigned jobs 

Implemented a fix for the scheduler timeout issue which should improve allocation of system resources resulting in more stability.

  • SERV-636 - System performance

We implemented back-end improvements to the Work order process flow which should result limit system instability.

  • SERV-637 - 'Register' account does not display

After our previous deployment the 'Register a new account' form was hidden, this has since been patched to production and is working as it previously did.

  • SERV-639 - Fixed error logging on WorkOrder

We have implemented improved error logging to give users a clear view of what the restriction could be when the system does not allow a WorkOrder to be assigned to a driver.

  • SERV-642 - Invoice 'Paid in full' indicator

We have concluded improvements to the 'Paid in full' indicator on an invoice which should prevent inaccuracy when rounding off amounts with more than three (3) decimals.

Historical data of invoices being but not yet displaying as paid in full has also been fixed.

New Features:

  • SERV-516 - OCR Importing an external Job Card (Phase 1)

We have implemented the first phase of uploading and processing an external job card. This process will make use of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to read and extract relevant data from the uploaded file. The extracted data can then be used to create a Work Order on the FSC system. In Phase 2 we will implement an email crawler which will automate the process of uploading external job cards.

To view our solution article on How to upload a Client Job Request click here

  • SERV-586 - Blacklisting a client

You can now manually mark a client as 'Blacklisted'. Once blacklisted, your office staff will clearly be able to identify a blacklisted client. We also allow the administrator to implement preference settings relating to the restrictions of blacklisted clients.

To view our solution article on How to Flag a client as Blacklisted click here