Multiple email templates can be created and linked to each campaign, which allows agents to communicate with the contact directly from the lead

Click on the Create Email Template button below the campaign's basic information

Complete the required information and click on the Save button

Field description:

  • Name: Provide a short, but descriptive name which will be displayed on the button on the lead as per the above screen shot
  • Global Template: Always leave this unticked / false
  • Visible on view: Tick this box if you which to display the SMS option on the lead view
  • Do not format: Don't select this tick box if you wish to use the template as formatted on this screen
  • Template Class Name: Always select "Platform - Leads" from the dropdown list
  • Subject: Email subject as send to the client
  • Mail content Template: Type your custom wording in this field. You may include system fields in the text by selecting the values from dropdown list on the right and clicking the Insert field at cursor position

  • Send Setting Type: You can select anyone of option in the drop down, given that that option is configured and setup on your instance. (Please contact support if you require confirmation)
  • Include as PDF: The template will be converted to a pdf and added to the email as an attachment. 

Please do not hesitate to contact our Support team ([email protected]) should you require assistance with this setup.