Every 30 minutes a test will run to check if the Omni server is online or not. These Statuses will be shown on the Omni Preference View.

  • Click on the "Menu" button on the Left side bar at the top
  • Click on the "Preferences" Button
  • Click on "Omni Preference"

Once Omni has an unsuccessfull connection status, there will be an error showing on the Word Order View

  • Click on the "Menu" button on the Left side bar at the top
  • Click on the "Jobs" button
  • Select any Job in the List
  • When the latest status of the "Omni Connection Status" is "Not Connected" the following error will show up on the Work Order View
  • You can Test the Omni Server once again by pressing the "Refresh" button next to the error message
    • If the Error Message goes away, you are up and running with Omni once again
    • -- BUT --
    • If the Server is Online/Running and this Message does not go away, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can resolve the problem